This is the OLD version of the website. It may be out of date, please see the new site.


If you have any questions about the club, its activities, training, races, transport, socialising, kit, or anything at all, then get in touch with one of these reprobates. Hopefully, they'll be able to answer any queries.

Ben Rosie

The Captains

The Captains are here to transmit their motivation, dedication and enthusiasm to the rest of us. If you've got any questions about anything to do with running, the club, or beer, just ask Rosie or Ben.

Men's CaptainBen ColeWomen's CaptainRosie Smith
Favourite ColourGreenFavourite ColourBlue
DrinksFosters, followed by vodka and cokeDrinksLots of wine
CoursePhysics (3rd year)CourseGeology (4th year)
HometownTonbridge, KentHometownDurham
Claim to fameAbility to sleep anywhere, anytimeClaim to fameA hurdling demonstration over garden fences, after a race and a bottle of wine.
SecretaryHuw Jones
Favourite ColourGreen!
DrinksDeuchars IPA
CourseGeography Postgraduate (2nd year)
Claim to fameActually likes the taste of Tennants lager!

Huw's responsible for the administrative side of things. He enters us for races, finds a way to get there and somewhere to stay overnight if necessary, and sees to whatever else we happen to need. He's also the main contact for external enquiries.

TreasurerRobbie Kerr
Favourite ColourEmerald green
Drinkspints of "your finest brew"
CourseArchitecture (2nd year)
HometownMelbourne, Derbyshire
Claim to fameRefuses to get into taxis

Robbie's in charge of the club's finances. The club is funded by EUSU, other sources of income are Braids and KB5, and the pittance we ask members for in order to pay for transport, kit, etc. Robbie will be chasing up any endebted members (and he's likely to catch you), asking for money.

Social SecretaryIain Clark
Favourite ColourCrimson (Boo! Hiss!)
DrinksLager, very slowly
CourseMaths and informatics (2nd year)
Claim to fameDrunkeness
Phone07792 937078

The legendary party animal Iain, or Clarky as he's known, is going to be bringing his unlimited enthusiasm for all things green, harie and boozy to the club socials. Expect the Freshers' pub crawl, a Halloween Party, the Braids Ceilidh, a Christmas Party and plenty more.

Race OrganiserMatthew Donnery
Favourite ColourPink
DrinksHoegaarden / Nuits Saint Georges
CourseMaths & Stats (4th Year)
HometownMeols, Wirral
Claim to famehaving a better marathon time than McPosh (last year's mens' Captain and general speed demon)

It's up to Matthew to organise the two best races of the academic year: Braids and KB5. When these big dates on the harie calendar draw near, he'll be looking for lovely, helpful haries to marshall...

Kit SecretaryFiona Rudkin
Favourite Colourturquoise
DrinksMalibu (see evidence!)
CourseBiology (3rd year)
HometownHartford, Cheshire
Claim to famehasn't missed a Wednesday at the Cav all year

Fiona will be making sure that club members are suitably kitted out to look good and run well this year. Check out the basics on kit here. Any questions, get in touch with her!

Publicity OfficerMiranda Wilson
Favourite ColourBlue
DrinksWhite wine
CourseGeography (2nd year)
Hometownenterden, Kent
Claim to fame The quickest recovery from completely wasted to sensibility.

Miranda makes sure the world in general and Edinburgh University in particular are kept informed of our existence, triumphs, and general brilliance, and is all set for the many press conferences coming up.

WebmasterRupert Nash
Favourite ColourGreen
DrinksReal ales
CoursePhysics PhD (2nd year)
HometownEpsom, Surrey
Claim to fame"best" or, at least, most enthusiastic dancer in the club.

I try to keep this website up to date with results, photos, and most of what you need to know. If you see something that's wrong, please tell me! I also moderate the forums: so play nice in there.

Freshers' RepHannah Edwards
Favourite ColourAnything bright
DrinksWhatever's on offer
CourseBiological Sciences (1st year)
Claim to fameSpectacular drunken phone calls (see the forum)

Hannah's job is to make sure that we "old hands" look after the interests of the new members and give a fresh perspective on running things.