This is the OLD version of the website. It may be out of date, please see the new site.
The next night out will be a post-Scottish Uni's knees up. Check your email!
The Haries are easily one of the most social clubs in the Sports Union. We try to make running as communal as possible, and that extends to making new friends and drinking partners with fellow members. Over the years, the club has proven that going out on the lash in no way hinders athletic performance.
Don't be put off though, it's not all about the beer. There's always the dancin'! Three intensive hours on the dancefloor in the Liquid Rooms, Massa, or some such establishment can make up for a few missed training sessions!
So, after Circuits (whether or not you've been to those) make your way to our sponsor pub, the Pear Tree, on West Nicolson Street, from about 8:30-9:00pm onwards. We'll enjoy some cheap drinks, good chat and free food together. After that we may go for a dance and whatever else comes our way.
In addition, we have a busy social calendar throughout the year. A few big occasions are mentioned below, but there are more, so keep checking your emails, the news page and the forum for info on what's going on.
This trip combines the first big race of the season and our first major social occasion after Fresher's Week. After the relays, we stay overnight to eat curry, drink beer, and participate in every form of entertainment provided by Manchester Uni Cross-Country Club.
Halloween is likely to involve lots of scary costumes, apple-docking, pumpkins, and various other forms of carnage. The social secs have got lots of scary plans for this year, and are thinking BIG. Enough said - this is not one to miss!
Oddly enough, the Post-Braids Ceilidh is held in the evening after the Braid Hills Cross Country Races. The idea is that, following our outstanding performances in the races, we impress teams from other Unis all over the UK with equally outstanding displays of Scottish dancing, boat-racing, and banter. Undoubtably one of the best nights you'll ever have!
The Harie Christmas Meal is our last big social before the holidays. We hope to see lots of members in smart togs (harie ties on please), listening dutifully to the Captains' speech. I can't remember quite what happened last year, except that someone was Spartacus... Be prepared for Awards, Crackers, and other festivities!
Our annual head-to-head competition with the Hunter's Bog Trotters takes place in the oldest pub in Scotland, the Sheep's Heid. Boat-racing, Pie-eating, skittles, good company and good competition are guaranteed. Last year we had a clean sweep. 4-0 to the Haries! Can we do as well this year?
One of the biggest nights in the University's social calendar; the perfect opportunity for us to look beautiful and out-do all the other Sports Clubs on the dancefloor. Look out for info about tickets... you might even be able to look as good as this pair!
We all meet up to discuss the club's future, remind ourselves of the meaning of "Democracy", and elect next year's Committee. As meeting's are occasionally boring, and speeches can be stressful, drinking is permitted before, during, and after the meeting. A club meal and a classic night on the town are also very likely to be in order...
Traditionally the first weekend of the Easter Holidays, though the last two years it has been postponed till the Summer. Basically, the club finds a beautiful place to run (if you choose to), relax, and drink. Transport is arranged to get everyone to said place, and then we just see what happens.