The Haries are easily one of the most social clubs in the Sports Union. We try to make running as communal as possible, and that extends to making new friends and drinking partners with fellow members. Over the years, the club has regularly proven that going out on the lash in no way hinders outstanding athletic performance.
We meet at the Greenmantle pub, 133 Nicolson Street every Wednesday from 8pm, for booze and banter.
Don’t be put off though, it’s not all about the beer. There’s always the dancing! Intensive hours on the dance floor of a certain cheesy establishment can make up for a few missed training sessions! You are also more than welcome even if you don’t drink, as we have plenty of food nights and other non-alcoholic socials – a recent trip to Deep Sea World in North Berwick was a great success.
The biggest social occasions of the year are below:
- Manchester Relays weekend away
- Halloween
- Braids Ceilidh
- Christmas Meal
- Sports Union Ball
- BUCS after-party
- Beer and Skittles
- Isle of Man
- Harie Holiday
As always, more details of our socials (and much banter) can be found on our Facebook group. Also of note is the regular Social Sec‘s email, detailing such things as especially banterous moments, who got friendly with whom during a night out, who became a bit poorly and had to find a bathroom, and generally reminding everyone of hilarious things that they have probably forgotten happened. Our Social Secretaries have notoriously good drunk memories, and the emails are often a highlight of everyone’s week.